Payment status
General status
Status | Description |
PREPARING | Authentication was done and the payment_initiation item was generated, awaiting user to complete the data of payment initiation ; |
STARTED | Authentication was done and the payment_initiation item was generated; |
ENQUEUED | Payment Initiation enqueued; |
CONSENT_AWAITING_AUTHORIZATION | Awaiting user authorization for consent; |
CONSENT_AUTHORIZED | Consent authorized by user; |
PAYMENT_PENDING | Consent consumed and Payment transaction is pending; |
PAYMENT_PARTIALLY_ACCEPTED | Waiting for multiple authorizations; |
PAYMENT_SETTLEMENT_PROCESSING | Payment initiation accepted and payment processing started; |
PAYMENT_SETTLEMENT_DEBTOR_ACCOUNT | Debt made to the payer's account; |
PAYMENT_COMPLETED | Credit made at the destination account; |
Error status
Status | Description |
CONSENT_REJECTED | Payment rejected by user or consent expired; |
PAYMENT_REJECTED | Payment instruction rejected; |
ERROR | Validation failure or process error; |
CANCELED | Canceled by any other means; |
EXPIRED | Payment expired before is consent created. |
Status diagram