2 "code": 200,
3 "message": "OK",
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6 "productVersion": "V1",
7 "productReportId": "4b2c1648-231f-11eb-97c4-f45c899f4587",
8 "productReportTime": "2019-12-23T06:10:43",
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22 ]
23 }
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28 ],
29 "creditCards": [
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39 {
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42 }
43 ],
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47 "amount": "1000.0400",
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50 },
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54 },
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65 "billTotalAmount": {
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68 },
69 "transactionDetails": [
70 {
71 "transactionDate": "2021-05-01",
72 "transactionDateTime": "2016-01-29T12:29:03.374Z",
73 "brazilianAmount": {
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76 },
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89 }
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91 }
92 ,
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101 },
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105 },
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122 },
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140 ],
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144 }
The JSON scheme is similar to the pf_credit_card, and the productName key is pj_credit_card.
2 "code": 200,
3 "message": "OK",
4 "requestId": "112334",
5 "productName": "pj_credit_card",
6 "productVersion": "V1",
7 "productReportId": "4b2c1648-231f-11eb-97c4-f45c899f4587",
8 "productReportTime": "2019-12-23T06:10:43",
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21 "123456"
22 ]
23 }
24 }
25 }
26 ]
27 }
28 ],
29 "creditCards": [
30 {
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38 "name": "Cartão Universitário",
39 "productType": "OUTROS",
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42 {
43 "identificationNumber": "4453",
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45 }
46 ],
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50 "amount": "1000.0400",
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53 },
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57 },
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61 }
62 },
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64 {
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67 "dueDate": "2021-05-21",
68 "billTotalAmount": {
69 "amount": "1000.0400",
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71 },
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74 "transactionDate": "2021-05-01",
75 "transactionDateTime": "2016-01-29T12:29:03.374Z",
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79 },
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84 "billPostDate": "2021-05-01",
85 "creditDebitType": "DEBITO",
86 "feeType": "ANUIDADE",
87 "otherCreditsType": "",
88 "payeeMCC": 5137,
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90 "chargeIdentificator": "12",
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92 }
93 ]
94 }
95 ,
96 "closedStatements": [
97 {
98 "billMonth": "2021-04",
99 "billingDate": "2021-04-10",
100 "dueDate": "2021-04-21",
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104 },
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108 },
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110 {
111 "amount": "1000.0400",
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116 }
117 ],
118 "transactionDetails": [
119 {
120 "transactionDate": "2021-04-01",
121 "transactionDateTime": "2016-01-29T12:29:03.374Z",
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123 "amount": "1000.0400",
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125 },
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132 "feeType": "ANUIDADE",
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140 }
141 ]
142 }
143 ],
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146 "myUUID": "youruuid-1"
147 }
For detailed schemes in the product, please refer to the official documentation of Open Finance Brazil.