Date and Time formatting
To ensure proper formatting of the date field in all API requests, please use the ISO 8601 format for mixed date-time: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ
Example: 2022-06-25T20:08:17.848Z
Here's a breakdown of the format:
- YYYY is the 4-digit year
- MM is the 2-digit month (zero-padded)
- DD is the 2-digit day (zero-padded)
- T is a constant to indicate that the time follows
- hh is the 2-digit hour (zero-padded)
- mm is the 2-digit minute (zero-padded)
- ss is the 2-digit second (zero-padded)
- SSS is the 3-digit millisecond (zero-padded)
- Z is the zero UTC offset (zero-padded)
All dates and times are stored and displayed in UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) timezone.
While the ISO 8601 standard does support some versions of timezone syntax, we recommend leaving timezones off all date/time parameter values. We treat and store all date/time values in UTC.
Appending the time value with a "Z" is acceptable, as this indicates UTC. Note that the "Z" letter should be included without a space.
Please be aware of your local timezone when working with API dates and times. If you're in UTC-3 (Brasília Time) when it's 9:01pm, you should already change the date used to the next day.