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338 },
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353 },
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361 },
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363 "amount": "1000.04",
364 "currency": "BRL"
365 },
366 "blockedBalance": {
367 "amount": "1000.04",
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369 },
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384 },
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393 },
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395 "amount": "1000.04",
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397 },
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399 "amount": "1000.04",
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401 },
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407 ],
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409 {
410 "productIdentification": {
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416 "anbimaSubclass": "string"
417 },
418 "balances": {
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420 "grossAmount": {
421 "amount": "1000.04",
422 "currency": "BRL"
423 },
424 "netAmount": {
425 "amount": "1000.04",
426 "currency": "BRL"
427 },
428 "incomeTaxProvision": {
429 "amount": "50.02",
430 "currency": "BRL"
431 },
432 "financialTransactionTaxProvision": {
433 "amount": "50.02",
434 "currency": "BRL"
435 },
436 "blockedAmount": {
437 "amount": "1000.04",
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439 },
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444 }
445 },
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447 {
448 "transactionId": "ABCD2126019929279212650822221989319253344",
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453 "amount": "1000.04",
454 "currency": "BRL"
455 },
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457 "transactionValue": {
458 "amount": "1000.04",
459 "currency": "BRL"
460 },
461 "transactionGrossValue": {
462 "amount": "1000.04",
463 "currency": "BRL"
464 },
465 "incomeTax": {
466 "amount": "1000.04",
467 "currency": "BRL"
468 },
469 "financialTransactionTax": {
470 "amount": "1000.04",
471 "currency": "BRL"
472 },
473 "transactionExitFee": {
474 "amount": "1000.04",
475 "currency": "BRL"
476 },
477 "transactionNetValue": {
478 "amount": "1000.04",
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480 }
481 }
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483 }
484 ]
485 },
486 "externalInfo": {
487 "myTraceId": "yourtraceid-1",
488 "myUUID": "youruuid-1"
489 }
Although investment products may appear complex, their structure is still clear, including bankFixedIncomes , creditFixedIncomes , variableIncomes , treasureTitles and funds, Each key is composed of productIdentification , balances and transactions according to different products.
The variableIncomes has an additional brokerNoteDetails key.
The JSON scheme is similar to the pf_investments, and the productName key is pj_investments.
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3 "message": "OK",
4 "requestId": "112334",
5 "productName": "pj_investments",
6 "productVersion": "V1.1",
7 "productReportId": "4b2c1648-231f-11eb-97c4-f45c899f4587",
8 "productReportTime": "2019-12-23T06:10:43",
9 "enquiryCpf": "cly0AXWVPlVJMk-3P1qFQ5i3UgY-t0mIkn3xNPAWxW4DusQWC6wKP6WKTKunzSqy2oVpKd2p7_liKxGXpV7wQ3a62M4g",
10 "links": [
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14 "consents": [
15 {
16 "consentId": "f55c899f-11eb-231f-97c4-4b2c16484587",
17 "permissions": {
19 "permissionsGranted": true,
20 "accountId": [
21 "123456"
22 ]
23 }
24 }
25 }
26 ]
27 }
28 ],
29 "investments": {
30 "accounts": [
31 {
32 "brandName": "Organização A",
33 "bacenName": "Organização A",
34 "compeCode": "001",
35 "companyCnpj": "50685362006773",
36 "branchCode": "6272",
37 "number": "94088392",
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40 "companyName": "Luiza e Benjamin Assessoria Jurídica Ltda",
41 "tradeName": "Mundo da Eletronica",
42 "cnpjNumber": "50685362006773",
43 "civilName": "Mike"
44 }
45 ],
46 "bankFixedIncomes": [
47 {
48 "productIdentification": {
49 "issuerInstitutionCnpjNumber": "11225860000140",
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77 "amount": "1000.0004",
78 "currency": "BRL"
79 },
80 "netAmount": {
81 "amount": "1000.0004",
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83 },
84 "incomeTax": {
85 "amount": "1000.0004",
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87 },
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99 }
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109 },
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118 },
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122 },
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181 },
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185 },
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197 },
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201 }
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224 },
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237 {
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250 },
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332 "isinCode": "BRCST4CTF001",
333 "productName": "Tesouro Selic 2025",
334 "remuneration": {
335 "indexer": "CDI",
336 "preFixedRate": "0.300000",
337 "postFixedIndexerPercentage": "1.100000",
338 "ratePeriodicity": "DIARIO",
339 "calculation": "DIAS_CORRIDOS"
340 },
341 "dueDate": "2018-02-15",
342 "purchaseDate": "2018-02-15",
343 "voucherPaymentIndicator": "SIM",
344 "voucherPaymentPeriodicity": "MENSAL"
345 },
346 "balances": {
347 "referenceDateTime": "2022-07-21T17:32:00Z",
348 "updatedUnitPrice": {
349 "amount": "1000.000004",
350 "currency": "BRL"
351 },
352 "grossAmount": {
353 "amount": "1000.04",
354 "currency": "BRL"
355 },
356 "netAmount": {
357 "amount": "1000.04",
358 "currency": "BRL"
359 },
360 "incomeTax": {
361 "amount": "1000.04",
362 "currency": "BRL"
363 },
364 "financialTransactionTax": {
365 "amount": "1000.04",
366 "currency": "BRL"
367 },
368 "blockedBalance": {
369 "amount": "1000.04",
370 "currency": "BRL"
371 },
372 "purchaseUnitPrice": {
373 "amount": "1000.000004",
374 "currency": "BRL"
375 },
376 "quantity": "1000.015"
377 },
378 "transactions": [
379 {
380 "type": "ENTRADA",
381 "transactionType": "AMORTIZACAO",
382 "transactionDate": "2018-02-15",
383 "transactionUnitPrice": {
384 "amount": "1000.04",
385 "currency": "BRL"
386 },
387 "transactionQuantity": "42.25",
388 "transactionGrossValue": {
389 "amount": "1000.04",
390 "currency": "BRL"
391 },
392 "incomeTax": {
393 "amount": "1000.04",
394 "currency": "BRL"
395 },
396 "financialTransactionTax": {
397 "amount": "1000.04",
398 "currency": "BRL"
399 },
400 "transactionNetValue": {
401 "amount": "1000.04",
402 "currency": "BRL"
403 },
404 "remunerationTransactionRate": "0.300000",
405 "transactionId": "ABCD2126019929279212650822221989319253344"
406 }
407 ]
408 }
409 ],
410 "funds": [
411 {
412 "productIdentification": {
414 "cnpjNumber": "11225860000140",
415 "isinCode": "BRCST4CTF001",
416 "anbimaCategory": "RENDA_FIXA",
417 "anbimaClass": "string",
418 "anbimaSubclass": "string"
419 },
420 "balances": {
421 "referenceDate": "2023-01-07",
422 "grossAmount": {
423 "amount": "1000.04",
424 "currency": "BRL"
425 },
426 "netAmount": {
427 "amount": "1000.04",
428 "currency": "BRL"
429 },
430 "incomeTaxProvision": {
431 "amount": "50.02",
432 "currency": "BRL"
433 },
434 "financialTransactionTaxProvision": {
435 "amount": "50.02",
436 "currency": "BRL"
437 },
438 "blockedAmount": {
439 "amount": "1000.04",
440 "currency": "BRL"
441 },
442 "quotaQuantity": "42.25",
443 "quotaGrossPriceValue": {
444 "amount": "1000.04",
445 "currency": "BRL"
446 }
447 },
448 "transactions": [
449 {
450 "transactionId": "ABCD2126019929279212650822221989319253344",
451 "type": "ENTRADA",
452 "transactionType": "AMORTIZACAO",
453 "transactionConversionDate": "2023-01-07",
454 "transactionQuotaPrice": {
455 "amount": "1000.04",
456 "currency": "BRL"
457 },
458 "transactionQuotaQuantity": "42.25",
459 "transactionValue": {
460 "amount": "1000.04",
461 "currency": "BRL"
462 },
463 "transactionGrossValue": {
464 "amount": "1000.04",
465 "currency": "BRL"
466 },
467 "incomeTax": {
468 "amount": "1000.04",
469 "currency": "BRL"
470 },
471 "financialTransactionTax": {
472 "amount": "1000.04",
473 "currency": "BRL"
474 },
475 "transactionExitFee": {
476 "amount": "1000.04",
477 "currency": "BRL"
478 },
479 "transactionNetValue": {
480 "amount": "1000.04",
481 "currency": "BRL"
482 }
483 }
484 ]
485 }
486 ]
487 },
488 "externalInfo": {
489 "myTraceId": "yourtraceid-1",
490 "myUUID": "youruuid-1"
491 }
For detailed schemes in the product, please refer to the official documentation of Open Finance Brazil.
Updated 25 Apr 2024
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